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Meet Laurie

COO/Integrator Coach and Mentor

Ever since first becoming a co-founder of a web development business which ran for over 10 years, Laurie has had a passion for encouraging entrepreneurs to create and live a balanced lifestyle while also building financial security and stability.  


Too often we witness entrepreneurs hustling and working long hours to build businesses without balance or scalability, all at the expense of their health or personal lives and relationships.


About five years ago, Laurie used her love for systems, data, finance and analytics to pivot into business coaching and specialise in operational efficiency.  


The biggest reveal from years of experience in the industry is that for every visionary, entrepreneur or founder of a business with a goal to grow and scale successfully, they each needed their own detail oriented operations person to execute their big ideas and vision. This role comes in many forms and titles... Integrator, Head of Operations, Online Business Manager (OBM), Chief Operations Officer (COO), Managing Director, Director of Operations... and the list goes on.


Laurie Stirling has continued to fulfil this COO/ integrator role for over 17 years in various industries including tech, health and coaching industries. As part of her mission to help other entrepreneurs build successful balanced businesses, she has embraced the role of teaching, coaching and mentoring other operational professionals and Online Business Managers (OBMs) to step into the fullness of the role. Mentoring them to elevate their leadership skills and make strategic decisions that guide their team to execute the big visions and ideas that come from the leadership team.


Laurie teaches a systemised approach to decision making with and on behalf of CEOs, extracting knowledge from a CEO's head, training teams to work with autonomy, enhancing efficiency and ensuring a business continues to scale and grow using data and metrics. 


If you would like to connect with Laurie to learn more, you can book a free 30 minute consultation below.

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